Go to file
2024-05-13 09:54:22 -04:00
cmd Corrected linter errors 2024-02-28 11:09:47 -06:00
docker Build using local source files instead of git cloning; do not strip or upx-compress the debug binary 2024-02-21 07:57:13 -06:00
vendor Updated transitive dependencies 2024-05-13 09:54:22 -04:00
.gitignore Initial commit 2023-08-28 13:39:33 -05:00
build-docker.sh Build using local source files instead of git cloning; do not strip or upx-compress the debug binary 2024-02-21 07:57:13 -06:00
build.sh Bump Go version to 1.22; remove openbsd/mips builds 2024-02-07 12:09:46 -06:00
default.pgo Update PGO profile 2024-02-11 09:16:06 -06:00
go.mod Updated transitive dependencies 2024-05-13 09:54:22 -04:00
go.sum Updated transitive dependencies 2024-05-13 09:54:22 -04:00
LICENSE Update release year 2024-01-14 12:39:35 -06:00
main.go Update release year 2024-01-14 12:39:35 -06:00
README.md Update readme with new docker build command 2024-02-21 07:58:14 -06:00


A bunch of useless tools, all available via convenient HTTP endpoints!

Feature requests, code criticism, bug reports, general chit-chat, and unrelated angst accepted at query@seedno.de.

Static binary builds available here.

x86_64 and ARM Docker images of latest version: oci.seedno.de/seednode/query:latest.

Dockerfile available here.

An example instance with all features enabled can be found here.

Currently available tools

Dice roll

Roll a specified number of dice.

Optionally display individual roll results, as well as total, by appending ?verbose.



Look up DNS records for a given host.

An alternate DNS resolver can be specified via --dns-resolver (e.g. --dns-resolver ""). If none is provided, the system default is used.

This uses Team Cymru's IP to ASN mapping service, so please be considerate about traffic volume.



Hash the provided string using the requested algorithm.


In addition to providing the value to be hashed in the URL, you can submit it as the body of a GET request, so long as no value is provided in the URL.

For example, curl -X GET https://q.seedno.de/hash/sha512-224/ -d "test" will return the SHA512/224 hash for test.

HTTP Status Codes

Receive the requested HTTP response status code.


IP address

View your current public IP.


MAC Lookup

Look up the vendor associated with any MAC address.

The Wireshark manufacturer database is embedded in the generated binary, but a local version can be used instead by providing the --oui-file argument.


QR Codes

Encode a string as a QR code (either a PNG or an ASCII string).



Look up the current time in a given timezone and format.

Values can optionally be formatted via the ?format= query parameter by specifying any layout from the Go time package.

Format values are case-insensitive.


Usage output

Serves a variety of web-based utilities.

  query [flags]

      --all                    enable all functionality
  -b, --bind string            address to bind to (default "")
      --dns                    enable DNS lookup functionality
      --dns-resolver string    custom DNS server IP and port to query (e.g.
      --exit-on-error          shut down webserver on error, instead of just printing the error
      --hash                   enable hashing functionality
  -h, --help                   help for query
      --http-status            enable HTTP response status code functionality
      --ip                     enable IP lookup functionality
      --mac                    enable MAC lookup functionality
      --max-dice-rolls int     maximum number of dice per roll (default 1024)
      --max-dice-sides int     maximum number of sides per die (default 1024)
      --max-image-height int   maximum height of generated images (default 1024)
      --max-image-width int    maximum width of generated images (default 1024)
      --oui-file string        path to Wireshark manufacturer database file
  -p, --port uint16            port to listen on (default 8080)
      --profile                register net/http/pprof handlers
      --qr                     enable QR code generation functionality
      --qr-size int            height/width of PNG-encoded QR codes (in pixels) (default 256)
      --roll                   enable dice rolling functionality
      --time                   enable time lookup functionality
  -v, --verbose                log tool usage to stdout
  -V, --version                display version and exit

Building the Docker image

From inside the cloned repository, build the image using the following command:

REGISTRY=<registry url> LATEST=yes TAG=alpine ./build-docker.sh